CMD Tool Flashtec

Car, Truck, Tractors, Marine

The CMDFlash tool is a reader/programmer BDM,EOBD K-LINE,EOBD CAN-BUS,EOBD PWM for all the new generation ECUs.
With BDM you need to unplug the ECU from the vehicle, open and connect it to our tool using a connector available on every EDC16,Marelli,Siemens and Delphi ECU.
This Tool can be sold as a plug-in of our Map3d software or stand-alone.
The Software allow you to read/write the Eprom (29bl802 / M58), the internal firmware and the serial e2prom containing the car’s codes.
Checksum correction algoritm is available for all the ECU families, this mean you don’t have to care about checksums calculations .
With our tool is possible to read all the ecu’s eprom, and after a bad map tuning, a system hung or an interrupted write operation
it is always possible to restart the program operation to restore the ECU and start the car.
All the ECU data can be stored in a single file with additional info like brand, model, plague, chassis number, data, note, customer …..
with search facilities and information directly integrated in microsoft windows explorer.


Update CMD BDM Plugin (Frame and probes not included)





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